
There are few characters that are capable of capturing the imagination the way Doctor Kevin Fawkes did, in The Invisible Man's pilot episode. What a shame he had to die, huh? He has quite a story hidden, you can bet.

The fact is---he put a biosynthetic gland in his brother's brain. Okay, so he's a genius and he's a very attractive man, but what's up with the idea of doing brain surgery on your little brother? This goes way above and beyond the idea of playing doctor when you're a kid.

It's almost an "Ewww" thing, dontcha think?

On the other hand, he caught the eye and heart of a few writers of fan-fiction. In fact, he caught their attention so much that he, as well as the other characters of Invisible Man, did become part of a growing, expanding universe.

He is not dead, they claim. Only off doing research on how to get the gland out of Darien's brain, to save his life. It could take some serious work, so he might be gone awhile...

In the annals of fan-fiction, Doctor Fawkes' triumphant return to life and his lab work was a quietly noted one in a story called 'Blood and Roses'---but it made a huge impact on a number of people, who sincerely needed to believe that not even death can stop love.

Love never dies. And if it does, back up and re-write it. Get it correct.

In the beginning, some of these characters were born years ago in the mind of a writer who was a student of human nature and philosophy. They sprang, almost fully developed, from the twisted psyche of a woman who's far too young to know the truth and beauty of what she'd created. What, in fact, did she create?

Gunslinger created a universe of her own, where trust and truth are valuable, and yet, so very rare. She created a number of good characters, who in their own world, are a special group of people. They are full of human problems and tics, but they are also extremely powerfully built souls. They grab the attention.

A few of them have caused nightmares, in fact. Others have become the objects of love and devotion among the few constant readers. As important as the characters from the shows they sometimes run across. It was never meant to be that way---they are only a part of the story, but it is our story to tell.

Sometime ago, a group of Gunslinger's characters took up residence in the fandom of The Invisible Man and never left. We consider this to have been a good move on the writer's part, because, as was pointed out to this author---some of these people are so real that they make the world a place of hope, dreams, and love. Just by existing in the stories.

The characters make the reader think and feel. The best way to capture a person's heart and soul is to make them dream. And Gunslinger's characters can do that. Particularly when dealing on a very regular basis with the characters of The Invisible Man show.

Then, as time went on, Gunslinger heard tales of a fellow writer whose style was different but who was writing a similar story. Without having ever seen or read any of Gunslinger's. It was love at first sight, I've been told. This was where Spudster came into the picture.

Spudster had her own universe, created out of a similar need for proof that the world was a good place to live in. And the twinship of Gunslinger and Spudster was born.

And a world was re-created. Through the works of these two writers. They are not alone in their efforts, though. They are joined by Lord Anteros, who is both faithful reader and writer of these same characters.

In the Sci-fi Network world of The Invisible Man, the braintrust behind the gland died.

In the stories of Gunslinger, Spudster, and Lord Anteros, he was resurrected and brought to startling focus as a man whose ideas of truth, honor, trust, and love are being constantly tested by his science.

Things are never what they seem and sometimes we're given too much to know.

Along with the original characters, from the first season of The Invisible Man, we now see and know others. Here they are, in short description.
Harmony Robin/Rhiannon Corwin Rose is a young, difficult woman, a genetically altered invisibility experiment and an agent, whose talents as a computer operator and field operative are tempered by her flair for sarcasm and on-the-money intuition. She's a little kid on the inside, someone who will forever see the world in the way that a ten or twelve year old would. Make no mistake, though, she's a vixen of some dangerous potential for her abilities. She's sexy as hell, by default of her genetic make-up. She's creative in the arts of life and love, but it is only because the man who taught her about life and love managed, by accident, to pass along his personal beliefs. She is Kevin Fawkes' Kept and the woman that he fell in love with. She has serious trust and belief issues to work out, though, before she will ever be able to own her dreams.  Magara "Aggie/Maggie" Greyson Celo is a young woman, an invisibility gland receptacle and field agent, whose talents for creative thought and staying in disguise, in character, are completed by her ability to think fast. She, like Ciara Mackenzie, can never give in to love. She's Kevin's Kept and his adopted, legal daughter; despite the slight difference in their ages and that she is his patient. He passed along his truth of right and wrong to her and they are close friends, having built a relationship that couldn't be broken by anything. She's sexy in the way that only a jade-eyed fox can be. Her one need is to find retribution for the things that had been done to her loved ones. Heaven help her enemies. 
Ciara Ellen Aureus Mackenzie is a woman, an agent of the government, whose life has been shrouded in mystery. She is a very compelling character; a wounded goddess who fights every day for the country that keeps her enslaved through a constant threat to her loved ones. She and Doctor Fawkes have done great things together, as friends. She holds an air of empathic danger around her, but it is only the mask that hides a broken heart, a soul that cannot be healed by mere time. She's a mystery to those who don't know her and a source of love and faithful wisdom to those who know and believe in her. Rugby Thomas Mackenzie is a scientist, a graduating doctor of Grossmont College. He is Ciara's son. He is Harmony's cousin, Alan's half-brother. And he's far more than he seems. 


Alan Roy Webster "Dante Paradiso " also known as Norse Longfellow "Déjà vu" is a government operative whose skill on the computer is well known. He has been trained by the best, but beyond that...he's Ciara's 'step-son' and sometime partner. He's Bobby Hobbes' friend. He's Harmony's cousin and best friend.  Jonathan Beaulieau - COMING SOON

Others who are mentioned throughout the stories and who play a large part in having created the world and universe that these characters live in...
Robin Wayland Webster is the dead-but-not-completely-gone lover of Ciara Mackenzie. Father of three, he was a computer expert for the CIA, the FBI, and the Agency.  Roan Marie Webster is the dead mother that Harmony never knew. She was an agent and computer expert for the CIA, the FBI, and the Agency. She was Ciara Mackenzie's pal and partner. 
Doctor Steven Michael Rose is the dead geneticist who designed the procedure and chemical compounds that were used, later, to change his daughter, Harmony.  Pierce Egan Mackenzie is Ciara Mackenzie's dead younger brother, the man who raised her son to keep him safe. He, his wife Anne, and sons were killed by Preacher in Edinburgh. 
Benjamin Fergus Gordon is Ciara's Mackenzie's dead older half-brother. He lived in the San Diego area with his wife and children, who were killed by Preacher and Courtland.  Tabitha Marie Webster St Cloud is the mixed-race daughter of Robin Webster. She is a good-natured woman who is raising her children alone as a widow of a dead FBI agent. 
Remy Alan St Cloud is Tabitha's blind, pre-puberty son who shows a strong natural gift of empathy, like the others in the Webster family. He's very close to Harmony.  Roanie Willa St Cloud is the three year old child of Tabitha.

Daniel Pierre D'Angelin is an ex-assassin whose ties to the Webster family run as deep as Ciara Mackenzie's. He is a dangerous CIA agent with many skills to teach.  Vivienne Thierry D'Angelin is the wife of Daniel D'Angelin and mother of Seraphina and Julien. 
Seraphina Melisent D'Angelin is the assassin daughter of Daniel D'Angelin and the twin of Julien. Educated in America, she is a very settled, down to earth woman who has made her career following in her father's footsteps. She has no lover that can be identified.  Julien Edmond D'Angelin is the lawyer son of Daniel D'Angelin and the twin of Seraphina. Educated in America, he is high-strung and nervous, but has nothing but the best intentions. He has a deep, abiding relationship with Alan Webster. 

Doctor Nicodemus Greyson is the mysterious half-brother of Magara Greyson Celo. A medical doctor and xeno-biologist, he can think fast and logically, leading a dangerous and deadly second life.  Miles Greyson "Broken Helix" is Dr. Greyson's identical twin brother. Both share the same family secrets and obligations. He's a hacker with a unique style much to the liking of Dante Paradiso and Neon Blue. 

Now that you've read the information about this alternate universe, click on the photo below to begin to browse through the lab files.

anime drawings copyright, Kat Lundy

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